Open The Gates To Lowering Emissions By Using Rentar Fuel Catalyst

Equipment owners and operators can reduce their carbon footprint by up to 12 percent using the Rentar Fuel Catalyst. But while the sum of emissions reduction is clear, what isn’t is the importance of emissions reduction.

While most companies make profit their number one priority — and with good reason — the Rentar Fuel Catalyst lets companies that are saving at least 12 percent on fuel cost reduce their carbon footprint dramatically.

Minimizing Your Carbon Footprint With the Rentar Fuel Catalyst

Combustion engines produce carbon emissions. Carbon emissions are the substance of greenhouse gases. The greater the sum of greenhouse gases associated with the activities and operations of an individual or company, the greater their carbon footprint. The greater the carbon footprint of an individual or company, the more damage to the environment can be attributed to that person or corporation.

While electric production generates the most greenhouse gases — 29 percent — transportation comes in a close second at 27 percent.

According to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, “Almost all (95 percent) of the world’s transportation energy comes from petroleum-based fuels, largely gasoline and diesel.” Worldwide, 9.795 gigatons of carbon emissions were released into the atmosphere in 2014 alone, a sum that amounts to a 60 percent increase within a 24-year span.

In the United States, the total emissions in 2015 amounted to 6,587 million metric tons of CO2 equivalent.

But emissions statistics given in broad terms does not tell the whole story. Equally as important as the overall numbers is the data for the individual gases that make up carbon emissions.

The Degree to Which the Rentar Fuel Catalyst Reduces Individual Greenhouse Gases

There are a large number of greenhouse gases associated with fossil fuel combustion. There are small amounts of methane (CH4) as well as hydrofluorocarbon (HFC), but the bulk sum of carbon emissions are carbon dioxide (CO2), carbon monoxide (CO), nitrogen oxide (NO), nitrous oxide (NOx) and sulfur dioxide (SO2).

Greenhouse gases, as the name implies, allow solar radiation to enter the atmosphere, but prevent the heat naturally produced by the Earth — in the form of infrared rays — to escape the atmosphere, “[greenhouse gases inhibit] outward thermal radiation from the Earth – in other words, [they trap] heat.”

The effect is constant heating of the Earth’s atmosphere and a continual rise in temperature. Though unknown for certain, the consequences could be catastrophic.

Although CO2, CO, NO, NOx and SO2 are all greenhouse gases, each of these five major types of fossil fuel emissions affects the environment negatively in a slightly different manner.

Carbon Dioxide and the Rentar Fuel Catalyst

In 2015, CO2 accounted for about 82.2 percent of all U.S. greenhouse gas emissions from human activities. Though CO2 makes up a majority of greenhouse gas emissions in general, it only makes up about 12 percent of the total emissions produced by diesel fuel combustion. And, while CO2 inhibits outward thermal radiation, it is a naturally occurring gas that is non-toxic.

The Rentar Fuel Catalyst reduces CO2 emissions by up to 12 percent depending on application and engine.

Carbon Monoxide and the Rentar Fuel Catalyst

Unlike the CO2, carbon monoxide (CO) is toxic. Though not in equal abundance as other greenhouse gases, its effects are extremely damaging. Carbon monoxide does not prevent outward thermal radiation like other greenhouse gases, but it reacts with hydroxyl (OH) and makes it inert. Hydroxyl is a critical component against global warming because it reduces the life of other greenhouse gases like NOx and CO2.

The Rentar Fuel Catalyst reduces CO emissions of diesel fuel combustion by up to 33.5 percent depending on application and engine.

Elemental and Organic Carbon and the Rentar Fuel Catalyst

Both elemental and organic carbon are greenhouse gas emissions found in diesel fuel emissions. True to their nature as greenhouse gases, “[elemental carbon] absorbs radiation readily, warming the atmosphere but also shading the surface. Organic carbon, sometimes called brown carbon or organic matter has a warming influence on the atmosphere.”

Nitrogen Oxide — Arguably the Most Dangerous Greenhouse Gas — and the Rentar Fuel Catalyst

Nitrogen oxide (NOx) makes up the largest sum of diesel fuel greenhouse gas emissions. Nitrogen oxide makes up 59 percent of diesel fuel emissions. Nitrogen oxide is far more effective at trapping thermal radiation than CO2 — 298 times more effective in fact.

Not only does nitrogen oxide make up the bulk of diesel fuel emissions, but it is also far more dangerous with respect to global warming. Though not toxic like carbon monoxide and not as abundant as carbon dioxide, nitrogen oxide is far more effective at warming the globe.

The Rentar Fuel Catalyst reduces NOx by up to 19.2 percent.

Particulate Matter and the Rentar Fuel Catalyst

Diesel is a far cleaner fuel than gasoline with one exception: particulate matter. Particulate matter is the smog seen spewing from diesel engines in the form of black smoke. The basic fractions of diesel particulate matter (DPM) are elemental carbon, heavy hydrocarbons derived from the fuel and lubricating oil, and hydrated sulfuric acid derived from the fuel’s sulfur, but the Rentar fuel catalyst can reduce DPM dramatically.

By reducing particulate matter by up to 19.2 percent, the Rentar Fuel Catalyst can reduce black smoke or opacity by up to 44 percent.

The Rentar Fuel Catalyst reduces fuel costs by up to and more than 12 percent depending on the engine, but arguably more important, the Rentar Fuel Catalyst also reduces carbon dioxide emissions by an equivalent amount as per the EPA’s carbon balance method.


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