What is Gasoline and How is Gasoline Made from Crude Oil

“What is gasoline?” is a question with a very short answer: hydrocarbons. “What hydrocarbons are in gasoline?” is a question that requires a considerably longer answer. Hydrocarbons constitute the majority of the substance of fossil fuels and biofuels as well. More importantly, hydrocarbons

Life Cycle of Fossil Fuels

Methane “Natural” Gas Biggest Pollutant During Life Cycle of Every Fossil Fuel The effects of fossil fuel pollutants on the environment — the atmosphere in particular — are of such focus in the media and the minds of individuals interested fades to the background. While the price does not re

What is Diesel Fuel After All?

An In-Depth Explanation of Diesel Versus Other Fossil Fuels The first things that spring to mind for most people when they think of diesel are semi-tractor trailers and heavy equipment. Most people associate diesel fuel with big, powerful engines that have a deep rumble and can do extraordinary thin